Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Summerwork: Live Portrait and Design of Initials

These two very different drawings were done as an over-summer assignment... which I was unaware of, so I had to do them the first week of school. I wonder if they would be better if I had known and started work earlier. Knowing what a horrible procrastinator I am, I doubt it.
  • I was a little confused about the prompt for this drawing at first, but it turned out alright. This is a writing pencil and black colored pencil(I think that's my favorite medium) piece. The figure in said piece is one of my friends, Kyla Campbell, who graciously thought about horrible and depressing things for over an hour so she could look sad and thoughtful for me. I have both good and bad feelings for this piece. On one hand, it definitely looks like the model I was trying to draw, but on the other hand I scrunched up her facial features and made the lines of her face too dark where they should have blended and faded out more. I really liked the background for this, but I wish I had spent a second more on her earring, which is designed to look like a zipper(so cool). I didn't draw the fly-aways of her hair, so it looks almost like she's wearing a solid piece, but I like the lighting of it and the texture I managed to convey.

  • These are my initials, in cursive. I used a sharpie pen, a box of colored pencils, and a light table(which I didn't know existed until the day I used it, I love light tables now) to trace the bigger sets over and over again. I wanted to make them look like ribbons, but my shading made them look thicker, like statues. I really like how the colors and placing make it looks like there are hundreds more of these little initial sets all around the window of the paper. I also like how the colors I chose contradict and compliment each other. When I read the prompt for this I thought it would have to be much more complicated, but it turned out that it is beautiful in its simplicity(or at least I think it is).

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